V I T T O R I O   F R A N C E S C H I

-  a c t o r   a n d   p l a y w r i g h t  -

Translations in english, français, deutsch, russian, español, ceský, hrvatski and downloadable in PDF
All rights reserved - Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it

  DEAD WEIGHT  (A corpo morto), 2006

- Critics Award (Premio della Critica) 2009.

Characters: a young guy (about eighteen). A wife (of mature age but not old). A father (about fifty). A daughter (about thirty). A bum with a plastic bag (age undefinable). The Chorus (composed of the same five characters).

The italian edition, performed by Vittorio Franceschi, directed by Marco Sciaccaluga and produced by Teatro Stabile di Genova, has taken place in 2009.
First italian edition images: www.matteosoltanto.com
All rights reserved - Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  DAPHNE'S SMILE  (Il sorriso di Daphne), 2002

- UBU Prize 2006
- ETI - Olimpico Prize (Vicenza, 2006)
- Enrico Maria Salerno Prize (Rome 2004)

3 charactersGiovanni, called Vanni, about 60 years old. Rosa, his sister, a few years younger. Sibilla, twenty-six years old.

The italian edition, performed by Vittorio Franceschi, Laura Curino and Laura Gambarin, directed by Alessandro D'Alatri and produced by Nuova Scena / Arena del Sole, Bologna, has has taken place in 2005.
First italian edition images: www.matteosoltanto.com
All rights reserved - Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  MATE IN THREE  (Scacco pazzo), 1989
- Idi Prize Award (Premio I.D.I. - Istituto del Dramma Italiano), 1990
- Idi Prize Award (Premio I.D.I. - Istituto del Dramma Italiano), 1991
- Taormina Arte and Agis Golden Tiket Award, 1992

3 characters: Antonio, about 40 years. Valerio, a few years older. Marianna, about 30 years. The set: the living room of a middle-class apartment.
Testo pubblicato da UBULIBRI nel volume “Il sorriso di Daphne tra regine e naufragi”, 2007.
- First italian edition: Bologna, Testoni Theater, january 16,1991. Prod. Nuova Scena / Teatro Stabile del Friuli-Venezia Giulia - With Alessandro Haber, Vittorio Franceschi, Monica Scattini. Directed by Nanni Loy.
- Second italian edition: Prod. Neraonda, Rome. With Paolo Triestino, Nicola Pistoia, Elisabetta De Vito. Directed by Vittorio Franceschi.
- Caen (France), “Théâtre de Caen”, 1994 - Prod. Theatre de Caen / “Latitude 45”, with Alain Trétout, Jean Claude Fernandez, Isabelle Gomez. Direction: Jean Louis Jacopin.
- Krakow, 1995, “Teatr STU”, with Krzysztof  Globisz, Jerzy Gralek, Aldona Grochal. Direction: Krzysztof Jasinski.
- Moscow, 1995, Massoviet Theater, staged and directed by Roman Viktiuk and his Company.
- Dresden, 1995, “Staatsschauspiel Dresden”, with Matthias Hummitzsch, Lars Jung, Joanne Gläsel, directed by Hasko Weber.
- Marburg (Germany), 1996, Nordhessisches Landestheater “Marburger Schauspiel”, with Herbert Wandschneider, Franck Damerius, Beate Debiel. Direction: Peter Radestock.
- Nordhausen (Germany), 1996, “Theater Nordhausen”, with Andreas Leupold, Peter Dreessen, Sigfrid Herforth. Directed by Andreas Büttner.
- Oberhausen (Germany), 1997, Theater Oberhausen, with Albert Bork, Günter Alt, Anna Polke. Directed by Andrea Bettini.
- Lipsia (Germany), 1997,  Kulturbund.
- Landshut (Germany), 1997, Theater Nikola.
- Biel/Bienne/Solothurn (Switzerland), 1997, Ensemble Theater, with Urs-Peter Wolters, Dietrich Schulz, Sabine Ehrlich. Directed by Bernd Bartoszewski.
- Glasgow, 1998,“Tron Theatre Company”, with Andy Gray, John Bett, Fiona Bell. Directed by Irina Brown.
Second italian edition images: www.matteosoltanto.com
All rights reserved - Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  JACK THE REAPER  (Jack lo sventratore), 1992
Characters: Jack's friend (a man in his forties). Jack's mother. A somewhat scruffy crew of a small, private TV program, composed of: the journalist (Bianca), beautiful, somewhat intellectual, in her thirties. The director (Elio), in his forties. The cameraman (Lallo), in his fifties. The electrician (Alberto) who does not speak. The sound technician (Gigi), who does not speak. Aditionally: Carolina, a very cute young actress.
All rights reserved - Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
 L'ECHEC FOU  (Scacco pazzo), 1989
- Premier Prix au Concours IDI (Institut du Drame Italien), décerné aux nouveaux textes non représentés, 1991
- Prix IDI pour la meilleure nouveauté italienne représentée en I991
- Prix Taormina Arte et Prix Billet d'or AGIS, 1992
3 personnages: Alessandro, environ quarante ans. Vittorio, son frère aîné, un peu plus âgé. Susanna, environ trente ans.
Tous droits réservés  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it

  LE SOURIRE DE DAPHNÉ  (Il sorriso di Daphne), 2002

4 personnages: Giovanni, surnommé Vanni, environ soixante ans; Rosa, sa soeur, sa cadette de quelques années; Sibilla, vingt-cinq ans.

Tous droits réservés  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it

  LES NAUFRAGES DE MARIE  (I naufragi di Maria), 1986
16 personnages plus une voix: le professeur, l'Epouse, Marie, Nicolas, la Maigre, Bristol, Edmond, la voyante, l'étranger, le mime, la vieille, premier jeune, deuxième jeune, troisième jeune, deux gitanes (qui ne parlent pas), la voix de la mère.
Tous droits réservés  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  LA REINE DES CHAPEAUX  (La Regina dei cappelli), 1993
6 personnages: Reine. Mesurette, servante. Le Capitaine, secrétaire. Gabriel, jeune amoureux. Zago, maître cordonnier. Unna, maîtresse de danse.
Tous droits réservés  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  DAPHNES LÄCHELN  (Il sorriso di Daphne), 2002
3 personen: Giovanni, genannt Vanni, etwa sechzig Jahre alt. Rosa, seine Schwester, ein paar Jahre jünger. Sibilla, sechsundzwanzig Jahre alt.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  МАТ В ТРИ ХОДА (ДЕТСКИЙ МАТ) (Scacco pazzo), 1989
3 персонажа: Антонио, около 40 лет. Валерио, на несколько лет старше. Марианна, около 30 лет.
все права защищены  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  SU JUGUETE PREFERIDO  (Scacco pazzo), 1989

3 personajes: Antonio, de unos 40 años; Valerio, unos cuantos años más; Mariana, de unos 30 años. The set: the living room of a middle-class apartment.

Reservados todos los derechos  -  Info email: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  ÚSMĚV DAFNÉ  (Il sorriso di Daphne), 2002

Postavy: Giovanni, zvaný Vanni, kolem 60 let. Róza, jeho sestra, o pár let mladší. Sibilla, 25 let.

Všechna práva vyhrazena  -  Info: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it
  ŠAH BRAT  (Scacco pazzo), 1989
Lica: Antonio, oko četrdeset godina. Valerio, koju godinu stariji. Marianna: oko trideset godina.
Sva prava pridržana  -  Info: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it


Vittorio Franceschi in "Endgame" (ph. Marcello Norbert) and in "Dead weight" with Werner Strub's masks (ph. Angelo Palladino)

Vittorio Franceschi and Laura Curino in "Daphne's smile"

Vittorio Franceschi receiving the Golden Neptune Award by the Bologna's Major Sergio Cofferati (ph. Mario Carlini / Iguana Press)

Vittorio Franceschi, as winner of the Olimpic Award 2006, with the former President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano

Vittorio Franceschi and Alessandro Haber in the movie "Scacco pazzo", screenplay by Vittorio Franceschi, directed by Alessandro Haber

Vittorio Franceschi and Alessandro D'Alatri

Vittorio Franceschi with Marco Bellocchio, and during a lecture


Vittorio Franceschi in "The execution" (ph. Roberto Serra) and "The overcoat" (ph. Luca Bolognese)

Vittorio Franceschi in "The Storm" and in "Svet".
Photos by Elena Russi - Tommaso Le Pera - Sergio Raneri - Alena Hrbkova - Matteo Soltanto - Marcello Norbert - Angelo Palladino - Studio Pym, Bologna - Mario Carlini / Roberto Serra / Iguana Press - Luca Bolognese

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Vittorio Franceschi  |  actor and playwright

E-mail: vittoriofranceschi@libero.it